Saturday, April 9, 2011

How's your week???

   Hello earthlings and homosapien's, how's your week? Let me guess.... the same routine everyday? Well not me, since I am one of the prefects in the school, I will have duty to do right. So this week I was assigned to workshop and vocational block, and I have my partner's. Except that they're all girls. So, they gang up and leave me alone to patrol the block and when I will pass them I will make a break for it because one of them is the love of my life. So.... it was embarrassing, and I wore perfume for the first time and it made my perception change. Oh yeah, I had my oral test yesterday and I got one of the highest score ever, 12 over 15. SWEET!!!, and the latest update for minecraft, is BlueXephos. If you don't know about BlueXephos than you're probably suck, because they are going big on youtube for minecraft. They sometime's do a little review on other games such as hoarde, RIFT, Magicka and many more. So, check them out, and here is the link to one of their minecraft series called shadow of israphel. Check them out and..... BYE!!!

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