Tuesday, February 8, 2011

my taekwondoe class,school, deo and minecraft

hi guys, it's actually for my private stuff and shit and especially minecraft shit too. today my TKD class was a bummer, all the seniors are lazy as hell and didnt came for the class there was like only 7 pupils including me. And me being a poom level being the only senior there, was not awesome. Don't get me started on the school thing. It was!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!! I was guarding my post at school as usual being a prefect and then suddenly....... I drank water.Today I wore my dad's deo for the 1st time and it smell's ok but i still think i'm not ready for a men's perfume yet, it just get;s on my nerve.Wanna hear a little about my minecraft.I downloaded a cool texture pack a few week ago and then I found out that my laptop's RAM was too god damn small. So when I played my minecraft for a few minutes, it will automatically shutdown. So that is the story for today. got to sleep. Tomorrow I have a club,organization and sport's meeting. See Ya

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